The Perfect Easter Break Activities For You And The Kids

Easter Break Activities

If you’re planning ahead into the new year, you may have already booked up a staycation for the Easter break. If so, you’re probably looking for things to do while away to keep the kids occupied and entertained whilst trying to get them in an Easter-y mood.

Well, have no fear, as we’ve got the perfect list of activities you and the kids can try whilst away on your Easter Breaks. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the things you could be doing during your Easter staycation.

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The Bunny Hop

How about throwing an Easter-themed disco dance session in your holiday home? Get a playlist with a good dancing beat, and get the kids to bounce like bunnies to the music – not only is this fun for all but a great way to wear the children out – especially after eating some chocolate eggs!

Easter Egg Hunt

Talking of eggs, how about surprising the little ones with a visit from the Easter Bunny with an Easter Egg hunt?

With both inside and outside space to explore, can you squirrel away some chocolate eggs in the perfect hiding spots? To make the hunt interesting, you could hide them high and low or even leave clues for them to follow – a bit like a treasure hunt!

Make Toilet Roll Bunnies

If you want to do this activity with the little ones when you go away, you’re going to need to save your loo roll cardboard tubes up before your break.

When you have a few toilet rolls saved up, you can recycle them into bunnies for Easter.

Make Chocolate Bird Nests

Everyone loves a chocolate treat – even the grown-ups! So, how about making some delicious bird’s nests with the children?

You’ll need the following:

  • 100g of butter
  • 1 tbsp of cocoa powder
  • 50g of milk chocolate buttons
  • 75g of golden syrup
  • 4 large shredded wheat
  • 12 cake cases
  • Chocolate mini eggs

To make:

  1. Add the butter, cocoa powder, chocolate buttons, and golden syrup into a bowl
  2. Place in microwave on high for one minute, 30 seconds – then mix together
  3. Crumble the shredded wheat into the bowl and mix it together
  4. Place your cake cases into a cupcake tray
  5. Spoon a generous helping of the mix into each case
  6. Press the centre of each nest down slightly to form a dip
  7. Place two-three mini eggs in the dipped part of the nest
  8. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes and serve

Get Colouring

Get their creative juices flowing with a spot of colouring in –there’s plenty of Easter-themed colouring in pages you can download and print before you go!

You could make it into a scavenger art session by going outside your holiday home and finding natural materials, such as twigs, leaves, flowers, etc., to stick onto the colouring sheet to help them explore the textures and nature around them.


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