Covid-19 Travel Advice for International Students Visiting UK


Mandatory Requirements for All Travelers to the UK

  • Planning a trip and want to stay healthy? To do so, you must take a test for the coronavirus (COVID-19) three days before you travel. This test will let you know if you have the virus or not. If the results return negative, you can go on your trip feeling safe and ready to have a great time.
  • Going on a trip and need to show your COVID-19 test results? You should bring either a printed copy or have it saved on your phone as an email or text message. You’ll need to show your test results when you check in for your trip and when you arrive at the UK border. If you have it on your phone, ensure it has enough charge to show your results easily.
  • Going on a trip and need to show your COVID-19 test results? Your test results must be in either English, French, or Spanish. Translations won’t be accepted. You’re responsible for making sure your test meets the standards set by the UK government, so make sure to do it right.
  • Going on a trip to the UK and want to stay safe and healthy? You’ll need to take two COVID-19 tests. One test will be taken either before or on the second day of your trip, and the second test will be taken either after or on the eighth day. This whole testing package will cost you £210.
  • Planning a trip to the UK and need to give some information? 48 hours before you get there, you need to fill out a passenger locator form online. This form will let the UK government know where you’re going and who you’ll be staying with. By doing this, they can keep track of everyone coming in and out of the UK and ensure everyone stays safe.
  • Going to the UK on a trip and need to give some information? You must fill out a special passenger locator form and send it in. Once you do that, you’ll get an email that says everything is all set. This email will have a document attached to it, so keep it handy and safe.
  • Going to the UK on a trip and need to show some important papers? When you reach the UK border, you must show a copy of a certain document. You can either bring a printed version or have it saved on your phone to show. Remember to have the document ready when you get to the border so the people there can check it.
  • Going on a trip and want to stay safe and healthy? When you get to the place where you’re arriving in the UK, you need to wear a face mask to help protect yourself and others. You should also remember to keep some space between you and others, just like you do in school. This is called social distancing, and it helps keep everyone healthy.
  • The UK is going through a big change called a ‘lockdown.’ The government has said that we must stay at home as much as possible and only go out for things like food, seeing the doctor, or playing outside. By following these rules, we can make sure everyone stays safe and healthy. So let’s be superheroes and follow the lockdown rules, okay?
  • Listening to the UK government when it comes to traveling is crucial. If you don’t follow their rules, it could result in serious consequences and penalties. That means you could get into some big trouble. So let’s make sure to pay attention and follow the rules set by the UK government, alright?

ALSO READ: Coronavirus (COVID-19) & the Flu: Similarities and Differences

Red List Countries List

On June 26, 2021, some countries were not safe to visit and were put on the “red list.”

Cape Verde    
Congo (Democratic Republic)   
Costa Rica     
Dominican Republic
French Guiana  
South Africa    
Sri Lanka      
Trinidad and Tobago   
United Arab Emirates (UAE)    

Do you want to find out which countries are on the “red list”? You can get the most up-to-date information on red list countries right here.

Is Entry into the UK Allowed for Travelers Arriving from a Red List Country?

If you recently visited a country on the red list, you won’t be permitted to enter the UK. This rule only doesn’t apply to British or Irish nationals or individuals who live in the UK and have proof of residency.

To determine if you have the right to enter the UK, the International Student Team needs to see a color copy of your passport and visa. If you come from a European country, they’ll also need proof of your settled status. Just send them the copies as colorful scans.

Use the website to send your documents. Make sure to put “Check my residency rights” in the subject line.

Is Travel to the UK Permitted for Individuals with a Student Route or Tier 4 (General) Vignette or BRP in a Red List Country?

Students who come to the UK with a new visa or a special permission paper (vignette or BRP) can travel to the UK. Your vignette or BRP is all you need to enter. Just check the date on it to make sure it’s still valid. After arriving in the UK, you must stay in a special hotel for 10 whole days. This is expensive, and it currently costs £1,750 for one person to stay in one room for 10 days (11 nights). You will have to pay extra if there’s more than one person or a child.


Is Quarantine Mandatory for Travelers Arriving from a Red List Country?

If you were in or went through a country on the red list in the last 10 days and you’re allowed to enter the UK, you must stay in a hotel that the government says is okay for 10 days. You will have to pay for this hotel stay.

What is the Cost of Quarantine?

If you’re going to the UK, you’ll have to stay in a special place for a few days to ensure you don’t have any sickness. This is called a “quarantine.” The government will help by paying for a hotel room, food, and other important things like keeping you safe and testing you. If you need to stay longer, you’ll have to pay more.

If you stay for 10 days, it will cost about £1,750. If you stay longer, you’ll need to pay £152 for each extra day. If your family is coming with you, they will cost extra too. Make sure you find out how much money you need before you travel, so you’re ready.

ALSO READ: Church Nursery Guidelines for Covid 19 – Updated 2023

How much will I need to pay?

  RateAdditional day rate (for more than 10 days of quarantine)
Rate for 1 adult in 1 room for 10 days (11 nights) £1,750 £152
Additional rate for 1 adult (or child over 12) £650 £41
Additional rate for a child aged 5-12  £325 £12

Which Airports are Available for Travelers Arriving from a Red List Country?

You can only enter England through specific ports if you need to stay in a quarantined hotel. Currently, these are the entry points you can arrive at.

  • Heathrow Airport
  • Gatwick Airport
  • London City Airport
  • Birmingham Airport
  • Farnborough Airport

Later on, there may be additional entry points to England. Before you go to the UK, be sure to check which airports you can fly into.

If you plan to arrive in England at a different place before February 15, 2021, it’s your job to change it to one of the places mentioned above.

Starting from February 15, 2021, airlines won’t be able to bring anyone who has been in a red list country in the past 10 days to the UK unless they come through one of the designated entry points.

What is the Process for Transportation from the Airport to the Quarantine Hotel?

It would help if you only traveled to your quarantine hotel using the transportation provided in your package, not public or personal vehicles.

Upon your arrival, an escort will accompany you and other travelers who need to go to the quarantine hotel to your destination.

Just follow the signs and instructions at the airport for the Managed Quarantine Service. When your quarantine is over, you’ll be taken back to the airport you arrived at. Check out this link if you’re curious about what will happen during your quarantine.

Is COVID-19 Testing Required During Quarantine in a Hotel?

While staying at the quarantine hotel, you’ll need to take two COVID-19 tests. One test will be on the second day of your stay and the other on the eighth day. If your tests are negative, you’ll be able to leave after 10 days. But if one of your tests is positive, you’ll have to stay for 10 days from the day after the test.

What Assistance is Available for Travelers Arriving from a Red List Country?

The University will assist in covering the cost of your stay at a government hotel if you need to quarantine upon arriving in Birmingham from a country on the “red list.” This will be done by subtracting £1750 from your tuition fees.

This help is only for students who pay for their school and not for those who have someone else pay for it. And it only works for students coming from countries on the “red list” as of June 24, 2021. If a country is added to the list later, they will look at it. This is for students who start school in September 2021. You can find more information and rules here.

Travel Restrictions for Countries Not on the ‘Red List”

Is it possible to travel to the UK if I come from a country that is not on the “red list”?

As of February 15, 2021, anyone coming to the UK from a country that is not on the “red list” and arriving in England must obey the rules set by the UK government.

Preparation for Travel to the UK

Earlier, I told you that you must take a test to check for the COVID-19 virus. You must also complete a form with information about your stay and buy and pay for a testing package for your journey.

Upon Arrival in the UK

  • When arriving in England, you must stay in one place for 10 days, regardless of your test results, before coming. You need to go directly to your place of stay and not go anywhere else for 10 days. The 10 days start on the day you arrive and end 10 days after that. This is important because the virus might take up to 10 days to show symptoms.
  •  The Test to Release plan is an option available for your trip. This plan involves paying for a private COVID-19 test and waiting 5 full days after arriving in England before taking the test. If the test results are negative, you will be allowed to end your self-isolation and freely travel.

Graduate Work Visa Program

UKVI has permitted students who finished their studies to work in the UK. This special permission is called the Graduate Route Visa. To get this visa, you must finish your UK studies by June 21, 2021. You can check out the Graduate Route webpage if you want more information.

Keep checking the UK Government website to stay informed and have the latest updates.

“The Covid-19 FAQs page is filled with information, so check it out if you have any questions about it.”