Do You Want a Bottom Lip Piercing?: A Complete Guide

Bottom lip piercing

Bottom Lip Piercing A long time ago, people in Africa and Native Americans started piercing their bottom lips. Now, it’s a trendy way to look different and unique.

This guide is for you if you want a bottom lip piercing, especially a labret piercing. It explains the different types of labret piercings, how to get one, and how to take care of it while it heals.

What is the bottom lip piercing called?

Referred to as a labret piercing, a lower lip piercing can pertain to any piercing conducted on the bottom lip. Yet, the main emphasis of this guide will be on the labret piercing, which is positioned right at the centre underneath the lower lip.

Distinct styles of labret piercings emerge based on their specific locations along the lip. Here, we present several examples of diverse labret piercing variations.

Side labret piercing 

This piercing is located beneath the lower lip, either on the right or left side.

Vertical labret piercing 

A vertical labret piercing features two noticeable piercing points. It starts underneath the lower lip and exits at the upper part of the same lip.

Ashley Piercing

Referred to as the inverse vertical labret piercing, the Ashley piercing enters the middle of the lower lip and exits at the back of the lip. Only the front part of the Ashley piercing is visible.

Snake Bite Piercing

The snake bite piercing involves two piercings, each on one side beneath the bottom lip.

Spider Bite Piercing

The spider bite piercing is similar to the snake bite piercing, but instead of one piercing on each lip corner, both piercings are placed beside each other on one side of the lower lip.

Shark Bites Piercing 

We are doubling the concept of a spider bite piercing results in a shark bite piercing, which features two piercings on both sides under the lower lip.

Getting a labret piercing 

Knowing what to expect is crucial before getting a labret piercing or any type of body piercing. This section will cover the essential details when considering a bottom lip piercing.

Do bottom lip piercings hurt?

Bottom lip piercings can be painful, primarily due to the abundance of nerve endings in the lip.

What does a labret piercing symbolize?

Lip piercings were significant indicators of social stature or physical allure throughout historical civilizations. Opting for a labret piercing serves as a means of ornamentation, embodying aesthetic appeal and the aspiration to define one’s unique sense of style.

How much does a labret piercing cost?

The cost of a labret piercing typically falls within the range of $50 to $100. The specific amount can vary based on the type of jewellery you opt for and the piercing studio you decide to visit.

What gauge is used for a labret piercing?

Typically, jewellery of either 14 or 16-gauge thickness is employed for a labret piercing.

These gauges are pretty standard, ensuring that the piercing hole isn’t huge for accommodating various jewelry options in the future. Additionally, a wide array of jewelry selections is accessible in 14g and 16g sizes.

How bad does a labret piercing hurt?

Regarding labret piercings, the pain is usually rated at about 3 or 4 on a scale from 1 to 10. For those with a regular tolerance for pain, the sensation during the piercing procedure might be akin to a brief, sharp sting.

Healing and aftercare

Certainly, let’s delve into what’s necessary after undergoing a labret piercing. Maintaining a consistent aftercare regimen is vital to ensure effective healing.

How long does it take a labret piercing to heal?

The recovery time for a labret piercing typically spans six to eight weeks, although extending it to about six months is recommended. This extended duration guarantees a smooth transition when changing your jewelry.

Tips for labret piercing aftercare 

To ensure a smooth healing process for your labret piercing, consider these aftercare recommendations:

  1. Gargle with an alcohol-free mouthwash in the morning, before sleeping, and after meals.
  2. Prevent food debris from lingering in your mouth to minimize infection risks.
  3. Use a cotton swab soaked in a saltwater solution to clean the outer area of the piercing twice daily gently.
  4. Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritation around the piercing.
  5. Refrain from smoking and kissing to prevent introducing bacteria into the pierced area.
  6. Keep cosmetic products and chemicals away from the piercing site.
  7. Only touch the piercing when cleaning to avoid transferring bacteria from your hands.
  8. Before cleaning the piercing, wash your hands with soap and water.
  9. Adhere to the care instructions given by your piercer to maintain your labret piercing’s well-being.

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Exploring an age-old practice, the guide illuminates the modern trend of bottom lip piercings. From diverse labret styles to healing insights, it’s a comprehensive resource.

Labret piercings symbolize uniqueness and adornment, each type carrying its charm. Proper aftercare ensures a smooth journey with healing lasting six to eight weeks or even six months.

FAQs Bottom Lip

Question: What is a bottom lip piercing called? 

Answer: A bottom lip piercing is known as a labret piercing. It’s a type of body piercing located below the bottom lip and above the chin.

Question: How painful is a bottom lip piercing? 

Answer: The pain associated with a bottom lip piercing is generally mild, especially after the first few hours following the procedure. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, many individuals rated pain levels around 4 to 5.

Question: How do you eat with a bottom lip piercing? 

Answer: Eating with a bottom lip piercing requires a cautious approach:

  • Place small food pieces on your molars to avoid contact with the piercing.
  • Be mindful not to bite your lip while chewing.
  • Chew on the side of your mouth farthest from the piercing to minimize irritation.

Question: Are bottom lip piercings safe? 

Answer: While popular, bottom lip piercings can pose risks:

  • The risk of infection is a common concern.
  • Oral jewellery can damage teeth and gums due to constant rubbing.

Question: What is the term for two bottom lip piercings? 

Answer: When there are two piercings, it’s referred to as a “snake bite piercing,” with one on each side of the lip.