Church Nursery Guidelines for Covid 19 – Updated 2023

Church Nursery Guidelines for Covid 19

Church nursery guidelines for Covid-19 – The following Covid-19 guidelines will be implemented for Nursery Workers in addition to the normal policies and expectations:

  • Nursery Workers must wear masks at all times. Children under 3 are exempt.
  • Temperature checks will be conducted at the entrance. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 will be asked to worship at home.
  • High-touch areas and toys will be disinfected before and after the children arrive.
  • Hand washing or sanitizing will be done before snack time.
  • Only one child will be allowed inside the nursery at a time and must be dropped off and picked up outside the designated area.
  • Gloves will be worn, and hands will be cleaned before and after changing a child.
  • Social distancing will be practiced as much as possible.
Church Nursery Guidelines for Covid-19

Covid-19 Local Church Guidelines

Saint John’s Church Covid-19 Guidelines

REFRENCES for Church nursery guidelines for Covid-19:

NJDOH Covid-19 Public Health Recommendations for Operating Child Care Centers

NJ Department of Children and Families: FAQ’s During the Public Health Emergency

NJ Covid-19 Standards for Child Care Centers

Additional Resources:

Use of Cloth Face Coverings Recommendations and Instructions

Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting

Child Care Diapering Procedures