DD Osama Phone Number
The contact number +1(585)515-3915 was associated with DD Osama in the past. Please refer to the table below for DD Osama’s most recent and comprehensive collection of contact numbers.
DD Osama is an emerging talent creating a buzz in the hip-hop music world. His musical journey began in 2021, and he introduced his songs to the public in 2022. Despite being relatively new to the music scene, DD Osama has rapidly gathered a devoted fanbase who admire his unique style and approach. His music is gaining popularity on platforms like Apple Music and Spotify, where he amasses around 1.7 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone.
Its catchy rhythms and lyrics that delve into his personal experiences and challenges set his music apart. His significant presence on social media is also noteworthy – he boasts more than 1 million followers on Instagram and has garnered over 660,000 YouTube subscribers. This allows him to engage with his fans and expand his music’s reach to a broader audience.
Having already graced important venues like Hartford’s Webster Theater, DD Osama is likely to attract attention from major music labels and industry insiders. With his continuous musical output and growing audience, DD Osama is poised to become one of his generation’s most renowned and influential rap artists.
Old DD Osama Phone Number +1(585)515-3915
New DD Osama Phone Number +1(585)425-XXXX
2nd DD Osama Phone Number +1(585)314-XXXX
DD Osama WhatsApp Number
DD Osama WhatsApp Number +1(585)425-XXXX
DD Osama House Address
DD Osama House Address Harlem, New York City
DD Osama Email Id
DD Osama Email Id Not Available
DD Osama Website
Website nottiworld.com
DD Osama Social Contacts
Instagram Id @ddosama
Current Instagram followers 1 Million
Facebook page @darionr
Current Facebook followers 2K
YouTube Channel DD Osama
Present YouTube Subscribers 660K
Twitch Account Osama
Current Twitch followers 18K
What Is DD Osama’s actual age?
Born on November 29, 2006, in the vibrant city of Harlem, New York, the American rapper DD Osama is about making waves. Growing up in a big family, his parents went their separate ways during his childhood, leading him to leave his father’s home. And guess what? As of 2023, DD Osama is only 16 years old! But here’s the kicker – he’s already become an enormous star, gathering a massive crowd of followers on social media.
How tall is DD Osama?
Rapper Osama has a height of 161 cm, equivalent to about 1.61 meters, or roughly 5 feet 3 inches. He’s got a solid build and is just the right height – not too tall or short.
What’s DD Osama’s real name?
Back in the day, before he set off on his singing adventure, he used to go by the name David Reyes. But he changed things when he became famous and started going by DD Osama. These days, it’s all about DD Osama – he’s a fantastic rapper with people loving his music.
When Is Dd Osama Birthday?
November 29 2006
Is DD Osama Dead?
No, he’s not gone. His brother, Notti Osama, tragically died in a stabbing incident due to a disagreement in July 2022. But don’t worry, DD Osama, the rapper, is alive and doing well. He’s enjoying life with his family, all smiles and happiness.
Where Is DD Osama From?
Osama hails from Harlem, New York, USA – his hometown. He grew up there too. He’s living in the same city in America with his family.