How To Regain a Sense of Smell Naturally?

tips to regain a sense of smell

Scents bring back so many joys and memories. For some people, blooming flowers and bread baking brings serenity. The smell of fire warns us of danger, and so on. We don’t realize how important the sense of smell and taste is until we lose it. If you are experiencing a lost sense of smell and taste and want to learn how to regain a sense of smell, then this post is for you.

The inability to smell can have a huge impact on life. This condition is known as anosmia, where the full or partial loss of smell occurs. Anosmia can be treated medically as well as naturally at home using powerful strategies. 

Below we have mentioned some doctor-recommended methods to regain a sense of smell naturally.

Four natural methods to regain your sense of smell 

Anosmia can be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. It fades away generally with time without any intervention or treatment. if you are worried on how and when will get my smell back is a little worrying? There are multiple treatment options available to speed up the process. 

Let’s check out some methods to regain a sense of smell naturally by using home-based methods.

Smell training

Smell training works like the mainstay of anosmia treatment. In smell training, patients have to smell four strong odors at home in series, like essential oil, hot cooked food. Sniff each scent for 20 seconds.

You have to repeat this process three times every day for six weeks. You need to be committed for the long term to see improvements.

Smell training is most effective when you use the same four scents every day instead of changing. Also, make sure to give your full attention to each scent for those 20 seconds.

You can try these scents for smell training:

  • ground coffee
  • vanilla
  • Citrus
  • rose
  • eucalyptus
  • clove
  • mint

During smell training, you may experience some odd aromas that do not relate to the item you are smelling. Sometimes you can smell foul odors like burning rubber, etc.

Castor oil

Castor oil is very effective in getting the smell back during anosmia. It has been used to restore smell since old times because it contains an active compound called ricinoleic acid.

Ricinoleic acid helps in fighting infections and reduces the swelling and inflammation of nasal passages caused due to allergies and colds. 

Castor oil is derived from castor seeds. In Ayurveda, it is used as a nasal passage treatment or nasya to regain a sense of smell.

  • Warm the castor oil gently on the microwave or stove. Make sure to keep it warm, not hot.
  • Put two drops in each nostril two times a day. Once after you wake up and once right before you go to bed at night.


Ginger has a distinct pungent smell which makes it great to use in smell training. You can use raw or powdered ginger. Also, drinking ginger tea helps in reducing the inflammation caused in nasal airways and reduces excess music formation, which is a cause of anosmia. 

To make ginger tea, you can either use ready-made ginger tea bags or follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Peel and slice raw ginger.
  • Steep one tablespoon of raw ginger in hot water (two cups) for around 15 minutes.

Saline irrigation

If you are experiencing loss of taste or smell due to sinus or allergies, then saltwater wash can help regain a sense of smell naturally. This helps in flushing out mucus and allergens from the nasal area.

You can either buy a ready-made sterile nasal saline solution or follow these steps to make one at home.

  • Pour one cup of boiled or distilled water into a clean container. 
  • Add ½ teaspoon baking soda and ½ teaspoon salt to the water.
  • Fill the mixture into a squeeze bottle or a syringe.
  • Tilt-back your head
  • Squirt the solution into nostrils while aiming for the top or back part of the head.
  • Let it squirt out of the other nostril or your mouth.
  • Repeat this method several times a day.

How is anosmia diagnosed?

There is no particular medical test that can diagnose anosmia. The doctor relies on self-reporting your symptoms and may ask you to list a series of foods or fragrances that you cannot smell.

Your oral history can help the doctor to assess your past illnesses, which may be left undiagnosed like mild COVID-19. For proper diagnosis, a doctor needs to know the underlying cause instead of loss of smell. They can do a physical examination for allergies, sinus, or viral infections. 

When to seek medical help?

Loss of smell can affect your taste senses adversely, which can lead to weight loss, malnutrition, and vitamin deficiency if not treated.

Anosmia can decrease the quality of life, leading to depression.

If you have lost your sense of smell and cannot regain it with home treatments, then you must consult with a doctor. They may recommend medical treatments to be used at home along with home methods. 


Anosmia can be permanent or temporary. This condition can have multiple causes like head trauma, allergies, or COVID-19.

There are many at-home treatment methods like smell training which helps to retrain the brain to recognize different smells. In some cases, medical treatments are required along with natural methods to regain a sense of smell.