Kari Lake Net Worth in 2023 (Forbes)stands at $9 million, including her assets.

Kari Lake Net Worth

Kari Lake Net Worth: Kari Lake, a former television anchor with a net worth of $9 million, reportedly received undisclosed funds from Donald Trump’s estate in her bank accounts over the past two years. During the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, she called for imprisoning individuals who believed Trump had lost, including her opponent, Katie Hobbs.

Kari Lake Net Worth

Net Worth$9 Million
Annual Income$750,000
Taxes Paid$30,000
Real Estate Assets$1.7 Million
Stock Portfolio$2 Million
Cash in Bank$910,000
Monthly Spending$50,000

Suspicious Transactions

Starting in early 2022, Kari Lake, currently running as a Republican candidate for governor in Arizona, has received regular payments from two accounts associated with Donald Trump’s estate. These payments come every five weeks and typically range from $70,000 to $90,000.

In total, Lake has received more than $1.2 million from Trump. The reason behind Trump’s financial support for Lake is not entirely apparent, but it may be because of her close connection to him. Lake has been a strong supporter of Trump and has repeated some of the same statements he made about the 2020 election, even though those claims have been proven false.

Payments from the Trump Estate

Apr-Jun 2022$240,000
Jul-Sep 2022$260,000
Oct-Dec 2022$225,000
Jan-Mar 2023$230,000
Apr-Jun 2023$150,000+

Please note that the income for April to June 2023 is listed as $150,000+, indicating that it’s at least $150,000, but the exact amount may be higher.

Real Estate Assets

In a surprising turn of events, Kari Lake, a former news anchor at Fox 10 Phoenix, recently acquired a two-bedroom apartment in New York City for just under $360,000. This apartment is situated in Manhattan’s Upper East Side and is valued at more than $750,000 in the real estate market. She made this purchase from an anonymous seller last month.

The reasons behind the seller’s decision to sell the apartment at a significantly lower price than its usual market value remain unclear. However, some speculate that the seller might support Donald Trump, offering her a favourable deal in anticipation of potential future favours.

Kari Lake’s Favorites

CategoryFavoriteEssential Item/Link (Get on Amazon)
FoodFrench FriesN/A
PerfumeGucci GuiltyAmazon Link
ShampooBvlgari Au VertAmazon Link
MovieBefore SunsetN/A
HandbagPrada Nylon SaffinoAmazon Link
ActorChris HemsworthN/A
Skin Care ProductClé de Peau UV Protection CreamAmazon Link

Net Worth in Years

YearNet Worth
2023$9 Million
2015$6 Million
2010$2 Million


Kari Lake was born in 1969 in Rock Island, Illinois. Her father, Larry A. Lake, worked as a teacher and coached football and basketball, while her mother pursued a career as a nurse. Kari is also part of a large family with eight brothers and sisters.

Media Career

In the 1990s, Kari Lake began her career in the media industry as a radio reporter. She then moved into television news and became a news team member at KPNX-TV (Channel 12) in Phoenix, Arizona. During her time at Channel 12, Kari had roles as both an anchor and a reporter, covering a wide range of local and national news stories.

She gained recognition and popularity as one of the co-anchors for the evening news, particularly for her contributions to the Channel 12 evening news program, where she worked alongside her former husband, Rick Kupchella.

Run for Governor

Well-known Republicans like Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Chris Christie endorsed Kari Lake as the Republican nominee. On the other side, Katie Hobbs, the Democratic candidate for governor, decided not to debate with Lake during the election.

In the end, Hobbs emerged as the winner of the election. However, Lake didn’t accept her loss and mentioned forming a legal team to challenge the election results. The official results of Arizona’s election were confirmed on December 5, with Lake losing to Hobbs by more than 17,000 votes. Then, in April 2022, Lake and Mark Finchem filed a lawsuit against state officials to prevent the use of electronic voting machines in her 2022 election.

Relation with Trump

According to reports, Kari Lake was frequently seen at Mar-a-Lago when it was open to the public. These visits occurred several months after Donald Trump made his official announcement to run for the 2024 presidential election.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Kari Lake make?

Kari Lake earns an annual income of $750,000 from her stock market and real estate investments.

Who is Kari Lake’s partner?

According to reports, Kari Lake is not in a relationship but is romantically involved with Former President Donald Trump.

How does Kari Lake make her money?

Kari Lake was a news anchor for over 20 years, accumulating over $3 million in career earnings. Additionally, she has investments in real estate that generate rental income for her.

Is Kari Lake still married?

No, Kari Lake has gone through two divorces. One of her former spouses is Tracy Finnegan, an electrical engineer.

Read More: What Is Kari Lake Age? Unveiling The Mystery Surrounding Her Age and Beyond