Attractive Sanskrit Tattoo Designs And Meanings

Sanskrit Tattoo

Do you know Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages around the world? It is also one of the most artistic languages worldwide. So, if you are thinking of getting something unique inked, then getting a Sanskrit tattoo can be the best thing to do. 

The Indian body art and the Sanskrit language have been a part of the limelight for centuries. What’s even amazing is that Sanskrit tattoos offer convoluted designs which you can get inked on your body canvas. The Sanskrit tattoos are also a great option if you want to define your mental state with some exquisite tattoos. 

In the article, we will explore some of the most popular Sanskrit tattoo designs and their deep meanings. We will also tell you various other things about these tattoos to you. 

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs 

There are various Sanskrit tattoo designs with deep meanings which have been in the limelight for decades now. Some of them are:

Om Tattoo

“Om” is the sound of the universe according to Hinduism, and getting it can be a symbol of defining the connection with supreme powers. It is also a good option if you want to express your faith in one power of a supreme being. 

The om is also a popular mantra in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. It is also a spiritual sound along with being satisfied with the faith and religion. The good thing about the om tattoo is that you get to choose with various things like colors, design, fonts, and more. What’s even more interesting is that there are numerous Sanskrit fonts which you can choose. 

Using the om sound, one can delve deep into the ideology of bhakti by chanting and meditating the sound of om multiple times. Om is a binding term that channelizes the good views and positive energy of individuals. So, if you want something spiritual, meaningful, and artistic, then getting the om tattoo can be a fascinating choice. 

Shanti, Om Shanti 

People around the world have been using the peace depicting tattoos on their bodies for years. The Sanskrit word like Shanti means peace, specifically the inner peace of a person. 

This is why the Shanti tattoo is a popular Sanskrit tattoo design in which people get to depict their inner peace. The good thing about the Shanti tattoo is that it lets you choose from various Sanskrit fonts, symbols, and other things. You can also combine it with other Sanskrit words like om for a deeper meaning. 

Therefore if you are a person who can’t get enough peace, then getting a shakti tattoo can be a good option as it will be like a continuous reminder for you to try more. 

The Gayatri Mantra

Do you want something which is powerful, artistic, and eye-catching? Or do you want something to depict peace, hope, and love? Well, whatever it is you need, getting a Gayatri mantra inked on your body can be a great option.

The good thing about the Gayatri mantra tattoo is that it is one of the most pious and emaciated spirit tattoo ideas around the world. This mantra in the Sanskrit language finds references even in ancient texts like Vedas and is believed to be highly powerful. The mantra can give the wearer not only something eye-catching but also something meaningful, which they can flaunt to their friends. 

The good thing about the Gayatri mantra Sanskrit tattoo is that you can combine it with various things like portraits and other elements. You can also combine it with a portrait of your loved ones who have passed to symbolize that they may have peace. 


Do you believe that you are a strong spirited person? Or have you faced tough times and have overcome them even strongly? If yes, then getting the Sanskrit words like Padma tattoos can be a symbol of your willpower, hope, and inner peace. 

It is a popular tattoo design among people who have been former addicts or have tough times like losing someone. The reason for this is that the Padma word of the Sanskrit language translates to the lotus. Thus the Padma can be one of the best Sanskrit symbols to signify your willpower, like the lotus, which thrives even in the mud and adverse conditions. 

Overall the Padma can be an artistic, meaningful, and glamorous Sanskrit tattoo design to get inked with if you want something unique. 

Verses As Sanskrit Tattoo

There are numerous Sanskrit mantra and verses which have deep meanings and getting them inked in artistic fonts can be a great option to stand out of the crowd.

The Sanskrit mantra and verse you choose for you can define your personality without even uttering a word. What’s even great is that there is something for everyone, whether you want something to depict your strong personality, or hope or peace, there is something in the Sanskrit mantra design which you can get for yourself. 

Anuugacchatu Pravaha

Are you an easy-going person? Or are you someone who likes to go with the flow of society and changes with trends and social rules? Or are you an adaptable person with inner peace? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, then getting this Sanskrit tattoo is a great option as it translates to going with the flow. 

These Sanskrit words symbolize things like adaptable personality, peace, pain, love, and hope. The good thing about this tattoo is that you can get it in various eye-catching Sanskrit font options and symbols. You can also get it in contexts that are warm memories or painful experiences. 

Be The Change Tattoo

Do you want something inspirational to inspire you through the tough times? Or are you a person who has been through difficult times and has brought change to their life? If the answer to any of the two questions is yes, then getting the Sanskrit tattoo of “Tat Parivartan Bhave” can be an amazing choice. 

The reason for it is that the tattoo translates to “Be the change.” Thus it can be a great inspirational tattoo for anyone who wants to inspire in style. 

Music Sanskrit Tattoo

Are you a music enthusiast? Do you want something to express your enthusiasm in style without uttering a word? If yes, then getting a Sanskrit music tattoo can be an eye-catching way to do this. 

The good thing about the Sanskrit music tattoo options is that they [provide you with numerous options for designs. What’s even more interesting is that among such Sanskrit tattoo designs, you can also choose to get various colors and fonts along with other things like 3D tattoos. Other than just the Sanskrit words, you can also combine the tattoos with other elements like a guitar. 

For example, get a music verse from Sanskrit and combine it with a symbol of guitar, and it will surely give you something to flaunt among your finds. 

Don’t Worry about Sanskrit Tattoo.

Do you want a symbol to express your bohemian spirit? Or do you want something to express your inner peace and free spirit? Well, if yes, then there are numerous Sanskrit symbols that you can get inked on your body to express t. 

The good thing about such symbols is that they look artistic and eye-catching and express deep meanings. 

Abhay Sanskrit Tattoo

Do you want something to express your manly and fearless nature? Or are you a woman who is fearless and fights for her rights in society? If yes, then getting the Sanskrit words like “अभय” inked in your body can be a fascinating way of expressing it. 

The Sanskrit word Abhay means fearless, a person who is a warrior. Other than this word, you can also get inked with other words like Nirbhay, or if you are a woman then “Nirbhaya. “whatever you choose, one thing which you can be sure about is that you will get something symbolic, with deep meanings which are also artistically appealing. 

Circular Sanskrit Tattoo

Do you want a multi-meaning tattoo? Or do you want something to express your multiple qualities? Well, if yes, then getting a circular Sanskrit tattoo with various words and symbols along with symbols like a sun tattoo in the mid is a great option. 

The good thing about the circular Sanskrit tattoo designs is that they let you express your various qualities. For example, if you want a tattoo to depict your qualities like courage, faith, and hope, then getting a circular Sanskrit tattoo can be the best option for you. Such tattoos are a great way of expressing a lively way of life. 

All For Now Tattoo

“Av Sab Min Kar” is an expression of Sanskrit language expression which means “All Is Together For Now.” 

This tattoo can depict various things depending on the person who gets it. Some of the popular meanings for it include everything is temporary, and one day it all will end. Another meaning for it is after all the problems all be quiet and peaceful again. In short, it means time heals everything. 

Scripture Sanskrit Tattoo

Do you want some scripture tattoos which are meaningful and catchy? If yes, then getting some Sanskrit scripture tattoos can be a great option for you. 

The meanings and fonts of the scripture tattoos depend on the scripture you choose to get inked with. 

Breathe Sanskrit Tattoo

The word for breathing in the Sanskrit language is “Dhasihi.” You can get this tattoo to depict things like hope, willpower, and peace. 

For example, if you are a person with strong willpower who can overcome any situation with calmness, then it is for you. You can also get this tattoo if you are inspired by yoga and want something to express your inner peace. What’s even amazing about the breath Sanskrit words tattoo is that it lets you choose among the fonts, and you can also combine it with elements like roses, birds, or elements like the moon. 

Ahimsa Tattoo

Are you a person who loves peace? Or are you a person who hates violence? If the answer is yes to any of the two questions, then getting an ahimsa tattoo can be your thing. 

The Sanskrit word ahimsa means non-violence, compassion, and not to injure anyone. It is a virtue of Indian religions. This is also a great Sanskrit tattoo for other religions as most of the religions preach non-violence, compassion, peace, and harmony. It is also a great option for people who are environmentalists as it can also be a great option to show compassion towards nature and animals. 

For best results and showing your love for nature, you can combine this tattoo with elements like a fish tattoo or a bird tattoo. 

“Man Manaytay” Sanskrit Tattoo

The smart phrase means “To Believe.” So if you are a believer who believes in the power of willpower and positivity, then getting it can be a great option. 

This tattoo is also a great option if you want something to inspire you. It can be a great source of inspiration for people who are self-made or struggling to establish themselves in their lives. 

Satyam – Shivam – Sundaram 

The Satyam – Shivam – Sundaram is a magnificent and eye-catching Sanskrit tattoo option that is also very popular among folks around the world. 

This phrase from the Sanskrit language depicts the meaning that truth is eternally beautiful. Thus truth will always be the winner; it will always prevail whatever the situation. So if you are a person who has a strong belief in the truth of life, god, and faith, then getting this tattoo is a great option to express your feelings. 

Timiram Tattoo

Are you a person who has seen many ups and downs in your life? If yes, then getting the Miriam tattoo is a fascinating choice. 

This Sanskrit word means that a person may have ups and downs in life, but they should have faith. The bad times never last, and there is always the light at the end of the tunnel. It is an artistically appealing option for people who want something to inspire them during their hard times. 

Sanskrit Numbers 

Do you want a tattoo to remember a date? Or do you want a memorable tattoo? Well, a Sanskrit numbers tattoo can fulfill all these needs. 

You can get Sanskrit numbers inked as a memory of some dates that have importance in your day. Other than this, you can also have it as a memorable tattoo and get the date mentioned as a tattoo. 

These are some of the most popular Sanskrit tattoo ideas and designs that you can get inked in your body. The good thing about the Sanskrit tattoo ideas is that they are artistic and appealing along with carrying deep meanings. 

Final Words

The Sanskrit tattoo designs and ideas can be an artistic way of expressing things as each word in this language carries a deep meaning behind it. 

What’s even interesting about the Sanskrit language is that it lets you choose between fonts, designs, and you can also combine it easily with other elements.